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European Human Rights Dialogue: How to Help Civil Society in Russia and Belarus

The European Human Rights Dialogue Project, Memorial Human Rights Center, Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC), Association "Za wolną Rosję" with the support of the German Foreign Ministry present "European Human Rights Dialogue: How to Help Civil Society in Russia and Belarus". The focus is on the human rights situation.

Andrei Sakharov wrote about the inseparable link between the protection of human rights and international security. This principle also formed the basis of the Helsinki Accords. Unfortunately, the problem of human rights is now receding from the periphery of the international agenda. It is no coincidence that, in parallel, there are more and more threats to international security. As long as gross violations of human rights occur in some countries, the world cannot be safe.

The reports are available here:

Helsinki 2.0 Political prisoners Human rights